These 3 Problems Often Occur in Car AC Compressors

2022-08-12 23:31:47 By : Mr. jack liang

Jakarta, IDN Times – The AC compressor can be called the heart of the entire car cooling system.Because the main function of this component is to suppress freon gas throughout the system.So, this AC compressor is able to remove heat and moisture from the air in the cabin.Then the entire AC system will not be able to work if this component is damaged.Well, how to repair a damaged AC compressor, actually depends on the type of damage itself.Therefore you need to know in advance what the problem is with the AC compressor.The appearance of rust on the shaft of a car AC compressor with bamboo bearings can cause the compressor to jam.But don't worry, because you don't need to replace it with a new one.The rust can be removed in a super simple way.The first step, disassemble the compressor first and clean it with anti-rust.Next, sand this component until smooth, so that the compressor does not stagnate again.If so, you will be asked to change the compressor oil.However, before that, you have to make sure that the compressor does not have any defects either in the piston, cylinder wall, or broken valve.If you find a broken valve, it's a sign you have to replace the compressor with a new one.Also Read: Rows of Chinese Cars That Plagiarized Other Cars, Which is the Most Similar?It seems that you will panic if you hear the AC compressor beeping.If you do experience this, immediately check the oil in the compressor, then you must lubricate it with new oil.Because this lubricant has an important role in reducing friction and preventing heat in the compressor.Usually the problem occurs because of an error when filling the oil or the compressor is leaking.Don't forget to also check the condition of the piston, when it is worn out, this component will usually make a very annoying sound.Likewise, if the thrust bearing on the compressor is loose, then immediately buy a new compressor.Many also often experience the problem of jammed compressors.Usually this happens because the compressor is forced to work when thermal is going on, but you don't rush to fix it.The danger, the car AC compressor can catch fire when this is allowed to happen.Therefore, you should routinely maintain this compressor at a trusted repair shop at least once every two years.This method is also done at the same time to keep the cold air in the cabin consistent.Read also: These used cars are in free fallare you old enough yet?